

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 28 --Pokemon Caught: 18, days left in challenge: 326

Ok, so I have some good news and bad news. The good news is that I will have loads of time to play the next few days. The bad news is that the reason I will have so much time on my hands is that I have somehow contracted shingles. Last Wednesday, my back began to itch like crazy. Now, I have eczema so I’m used to my body itching. But this felt different. So, Friday, I decided to look at my back and see if there was a bug bite or something causing the itching. But when I did, I discovered a rash in the very center of my back. So, I showed my mom and she said she thought I had ringworm. Then today, when I went to Quick Care, they told me it wasn’t ringworm but shingles. Actually, they said that they weren’t sure what it was. They scraped at it and are doing a test to see what it is and until they know for sure, I have to stay in my house. I am not thrilled. So, anyways, because I am not allowed to leave my house for the next three days, I will have lots of time to play Pokémon.

I have to say I really like the way that the gyms are set up in the new games. The addition to another aspect of the gym reminds me of the original first generation anime. I like the fresh look this gives the game. Although, I have to say, choosing the right book in the second gym was nowhere near as difficult and annoying as the trashcan switches in Lt. Surge’s Gym in generation one.

I’m currently debating on changing out one of my Pokémon. I caught a Sewaddle over the weekend in Pinwheel Forest and I really like him. However, I don’t like who he evolves into. So, I can’t decide whether to trade him in now for my Servine, or if I should wait until I have an Everstone so that I can keep him at his current evolution state. I nicknamed him Feireag, which is the name of a plant in Gaelic of which I cannot remember the exact name. Anyways, I have a feeling he will be in my team at some point. I just haven’t decided whether to do it now or later.

So, most of my friends are all through with this game. But I have to say, I am less interesting in battling my way through the game as fast as I can and more interesting in exploring. I spent over three hours in Pinwheel Forest just wandering around finding all the little hidden items. I find exploring the new areas exhilarating. I have never been much of a battler. In fact, I battled a friend of mine just the other day and I lost terribly. I knew I would though. I don’t really care though if I win or lose. I’m more interesting in catching all the Pokémon and exploring all the different areas.

I’m in Castelia City right now and it’s HUGE! I am seriously in shock at how huge this city is. However, I have to say, I’ve already noticed that I really don’t like it when the camera adjusts all willy-nilly. It was very annoying. All these awesome graphics don’t mean a thing if the camera is so jerky that you cannot focus clearly on the image. I love the extended world, but I still prefer the older games. I don’t need fancy graphics. It’s the story and the concept that are important to me.

Well, here’s to another successful entry. I’ll try to write another in a couple of days. I plan on lots of hours playing over the next few days.

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